Technology Help Question

Q: Why can't I view the full text of my article?

Technology Help Answer


This most likely means that the library does not have access to the article.  To make sure you only see full text articles while searching, please do the following:

  • Go to  Enter your search terms or keywords in the large box in the middle of the page and click the search button.  On the left side of the page, under the section called CONTENT TYPE, click the box next to "Full Text."


  • Go to one of the EBSCOhost databases listed here.  Enter your search terms/keywords in the search boxes at the top of the page and click search.   On the left side of the page, under the section called LIMIT TO, click the box next to "Full Text."


Note: Clicking the "Full Text" box only limits the results to journals that the library has, but the library may not have all issues of that journal. Check the date of the article and see if it falls within the date range of the journal holdings (under "Check Availability"). For example: "(2008-01-01~365 days ago)". 

If you continue to have trouble viewing full text items, please contact campus library staff.


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