A: Locating your search history varies by database. Please follow the directions for the appropriate platform below.
EBSCOhost Databases
- Under the main search boxes located at the top of the page is a blue link called, "Search History." Click on this link to view a listing of your search history in the database.
- Access Dynamed through the A-Z database list. Once in Dynamed, create a personal account before beginning your search. Once logged in to your personal account, click on the "CME" icon in the top right corner of the page to view your search history.
You must be logged in to your personal account in order to view your search history.
ProQuest Databases
- Under the main search box located at the top of the page is a link called, "Recent searches." Click on this link to view a listing of your search history in the database.
Library Website
- Access the library website by entering your search terms in the large search box on the library's catalog homepage. Once on the library website, login to your library account by clicking on the "Sign In" button on the top right corner of the page.
- After logging in to your library account, click on the "Save Search" link on the right side of the page. This will save your search. Repeat this step each time you change any part of your search (different keywords, Format, Publication Year, etc.)
- To view your saved searches, click on the "Saved Searches" link under the "my account" menu at the top of the page. Your list of saved searches is your search history.
You must be logged in to your personal account in order to view your saved searches.