APA Question

Q: How do I do an in-text citation with one or more authors in APA format?

APA Answer


For any cited work(s), include the following in parenthesis () after the quotation or paraphrase:

1. The last name of the author(s), or the name of the organizational author. [REQUIRED]

2. The year of publication. [REQUIRED]

3. The page (p.) or paragraph number (para.) of the section being referenced. [RECOMMENDED when paraphrasing, but REQUIRED when using a direct quote]


Please follow the examples below.

Type of citation First in-text citation Subsequent in-text citations
Basic format   

(Author’s Last Name, Year Published, Paragraph or Page Number)

One author (American Red Cross, 2018, para. 8) (American Red Cross, 2018, para. 8)
Two authors (Burhardt & Nathaniel, 2008, p. 34) (Burhardt & Nathaniel, 2008, p. 34)
Three or more authors (Pender et al., 2011, p. 186) (Pender et al., 2011, p. 186)


More information on in-text citations is available at https://guides.westcoastuniversity.edu/c.php?g=1056880&p=7682026​ and https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations.

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